PreK Students proudly show their structure that they worked together to complete. |
The current focus of our PS-K Think Tank classes are on the Habit of Mind "Thinking Interdependently"
We've called it " Working Together" or "Sharing Ideas" this skill is a tough one for kids to master. ( Hey, it's a tough one for adults too!)
We began our work with this by learning from the classic character Horton in Dr. Suess' series of books. Horton exemplifies kindness, caring and friendship. Students talked about how they could be a good friend when working with others and from there we put it to the test.
The challenge? Each group was given ONE set of materials ( Legos) and had to work together to complete ONE final piece. They were given progressively more difficult challenges-- from freebuild something with one moving part to create a seasaw that balances. It was amazing to watch the students figure out how to complete the task and simultaneously navigate the difficulties of sharing materials and ideas.
The first moments were filled with " That's my piece!" ringing through the room, but with a little guidance and refocus, students began to share, use kind words and truly work together!
In Kindergarten, we even took a "train tour" of all of the work accomplished when we put our ideas together. Just listen to the kids' excitement!
Students noticed that not only was the outcome of their project more interesting and creative, but they were happier doing it!
-Mrs. Ford